Here you can find all needed manuals and other important links:


Simucube wireless wheels products:


BB Ultra – product page with manuals

Competition Wheel – product page with manuals

GT3 Wheel V2 – product page with manuals

GT3 Wheel V2 USB (special edition) – product page with manuals

GT3 Wheel V2 (SWW2) – product page with manuals

OMPX Wheel: product page with manuals


Competition Wheel V2 – product page with manuals

Ultra Competition Wheel V2 – product page with manuals


BB PRO 32 – product page with manuals

F28-SC website with new manuals

B24L/M-SC website with new manuals


Simucube ActivePedal user guide and documentation:


Simucube 2 Sport, Pro, Ultimate:

Simucube 2 is a revolutionary gaming product from Granite Devices. Continuous updates regarding software, its additional added features are following regulary. Good recommendation is to join or follow official Granite Devices forums. You are warmly wellcome to add your feedback or comment at any time:

Hard copy of manuals is already included to SC2 package. Here is the link for latest version and all other files you might need. Check also new instructional videos:

Simucube Quick Release Wheel side kit manual:


Discountinued products manual:

Simucube 1 OSW with Small or Large MiGE: